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Electric vs. Gas Water Heaters: Which One to Choose?

February 21, 2022

The water heater industry of America has an estimated market value of $3 billion in 2022. According to statistics, over 9 million water heaters are sold every year, indicating the common consumer need for this heating appliance across the country. The total market of water heaters, including water heater repair, goods, and maintenance, is expected to reach a value of $40.1 billion by the year 2030.

Buying A New Water Heater

Water heaters are an incredible appliance that offers a long-term return on investment with minimum maintenance. However, the average lifespan of a water heater is estimated to be around 10–15 years. If your heating appliance has lasted more than that, you might need a replacement sometime soon.

When you start looking into replacement heaters, you’ll have to decide between an electric and a gas water heater. Although it’s natural for homeowners to opt for the same kind of appliance they had previously used, it’s always better to explore other options and find out what benefits and advantages they offer.

Electric Water Heater

An electric heater consists of a water tank containing high-powered heating rods placed vertically. These rods are responsible for heating the water before dispatching it for usage around the house through pipes. The water is heated from the center of the tank.

Gas Water Heater

Gas heaters are traditional water heaters that utilize the natural gas supply for their burners. These burners are placed underneath the water tank while the pipes are placed at the top. As the water heats up from the bottom, it rises to the surface before it’s carried out in tubes.

Electric vs. Gas Waters — The Decision

Both kinds of water heaters have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. We’ve listed some important factors to help you buy the right water heater for your household.


Gas water heaters perform faster than electric heaters. They also have a quick recovery rate which makes them ideal for big families. Electric heaters are slow to recover and are ineffective in power outages, unlike their counterparts.

Winner: Gas Heater


There’s a huge energy loss in exhaust gases in gas water heaters. In contrast, electric heaters come with proper insulation and high-end condensers that mitigate energy loss.

Winner: Electric Heater


Gas heaters cost more than electric heaters at the time of purchase. However, natural gas is cheaper compared to electricity, so gas heaters offer a better value in the long run.

Winner: Tie

If you’ve decided about the kind of water heater you need and are ready to make the purchase, consider AA Heating and Air Conditioning.

Gas Pipes

We’re one the most trusted sellers of water heaters along with a range of HVAC house appliances. Our professional team is also licensed for HVAC services, water heater repair in Silver Spring, AC repairs in Montgomery County, and so much more.

Still confused? Get expert insight from one of our professionals by contacting us today.

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